Workers in the nursing homes of Álava and Gipuzkoa, on strike
  • On 6 October, ELA will resume in Gipuzkoa the long strike that has stopped because of the pandemic. That same day, LAB called for a strike. In Álava, the unions ELA, LAB, UGT and CCOO have convened three days of strike in the private residences of the elderly in Álava.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko irailaren 28a
Lau sindikatuak zahar egoitzetako protesta batean elkarrekin.

ELA announced last week that from 6 October the workers in the residences of Gipuzkoa will return to strike. Workers in the sector have seen the need to resume the struggle begun two years ago, with worse working conditions than they had at present before the pandemic. The strike lasted for 243 days before the pandemic began.

LAB has called a strike day for the next 6 October. The two trade unions, each for their part, have called for a two-hour strike today. LAB says it's time for workers to have an agreement that recognizes their fundamental role. He said that the passivity and discrepancy of the Member and the employers have led them to strike. The union has insisted on the need to create a new model of care for the elderly, “so that at the center of the model our elderly people are placed, and not the business of the management companies”.

Also in Álava

The trade unions ELA, LAB, UGT and CCOO have announced a three-day strike call in the private residences of the Basque Country. It will be 7, 11 and 25 October. On 30 September they will concentrate in front of the Provincial Council of Álava. There will also be other mobilisations in the autumn.

They complain that no trade union was aware of the request to open the negotiating table for the Álava provincial convention. The trade unions are calling for the negotiations for the convention which they consider necessary for its implementation to begin.

They denounce that the working conditions of workers are still poor, that the working conditions of the absolutely feminized care sector and that the working conditions of the sector should not be left to companies with a single objective of profit.