School suspended in all schools in the Basque Country
  • The Basque Government has decided to suspend the classes of all CAV educational centres to deal with the spread of the coronavirus. Thus, the schools were already suspended in Álava and Balmaseda and now the measure has also been extended to Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. In Navarre, Lapurdi, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa the same decision has also been taken on Thursday afternoon, and from Monday all classes will remain closed.
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Odon Apraiz ikastetxea (Argazkia:

Since Friday, classroom classes in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa will be suspended for a period of 15 days. The Basque Government Minister of Health, Nekane Murga, announced her decision this Thursday at noon. The measure has been taken to deal with the spread of coronavirus or covid-19.

Children from the centres of the Haurreskolak Consortium and students from universities will not receive classroom classes. After-school activities will also be suspended.

Murga explained that "children are healthy, but we know that through them transmission is easier and we are afraid that they can bring the disease to their homes."

However, the Minister of Education, Cristina Uriarte, explained that "as far as possible" children should continue learning: "We have to make a daily effort to keep the habit of studying at home," so the workers of the centers will stay in their centers on their regular schedule.

In the note, the Basque Government points out that the preparation of subjects and the provision of students will be one of the tasks of teachers. For this purpose, the Department of Education shall inform them.

Also in Navarra

In Navarre, the foral government decided this Thursday afternoon to close all the schools, both in Haurreskolak, in Children and Primary, and in the universities. The order will be established from Monday, but the Government of Navarra "has recommended" the centers to start the measure on Friday.