They place banners against betting houses in Arrasate and ask for measures from the City Hall in Bilbao
  • Members of the Arrasate Jaiki group have placed banners with slogans like "betting houses out" or "your wealth, the misery of the people" in a betting house in Codere. Posters calling for participation in the talk on gambling addiction that has been organised in Donostia have also been glued.
Iñigo Igartua @igartua19 2019ko urtarrilaren 30
Coderek Arrasaten duen egoitza ohia Jaikikoek jarritako pankartekin. Argazkia: @goiena

The Arrasate Jaiki group has placed banners against betting houses at the former headquarters of Coderek in the Gipuzkoan town. This betting house opened its second place in Arrasate in February 2018, but ten months later it closed in mid-December.

According to the Jaiki group, “we clearly state that we are going to start working on the betting houses issue and today we have taken action to denounce their performance”. “In the betting house business young people in particular and the working class in general lose, so the gambling halls and betting houses are out!” adds the note published by Goiena.

Motion Bilboko Eragin

The bilbaíno group Eragin has demanded from the City of Bilbao a series of measures to "eliminate the serious problem" of betting houses and gambling halls.

The reduction of licences, the absence of establishments within 500 metres of schools, the elimination of advertising in public places or the promotion of awareness-raising campaigns are some of the most important requirements.

“Betting houses and gambling halls take advantage of the youth precariousness and misery situation, and the dependence between the working class is increasingly widespread,” Uriola said.