Betting houses banned in Albania
  • The Albanian Government will open from 1 January rehabilitation centres for those affected by the games, coinciding with the ban on betting houses.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2019ko urtarrilaren 02a
Apustu etxeen aurkako protestak Azpeitian (Arg: Uztarria)

The Albanian Government has taken a decisive step at a time when the risks of the wager are being debated by public opinion. In a country with 2.8 million inhabitants, it is estimated that there are currently about 4,300 betting houses.


The Government has argued that the Mafia and crime groups use betting houses to launder money and money. The measure, according to the Government, also seeks to protect itself from the damage that the game causes both economically and socially.

In particular, sports betting houses, bingo rooms, internet betting and electronic casinos are prohibited. The TV bingo, the lottery and the electronic casinos found in five star hotels, among others, are maintained.