The Alarde del Moro de Antzuola will have a captain for the first time
  • For the first time, the Alarde del Moro de Antzuola will have a captain who will assume the role of woman. In fact, José Ángel Arbulu, who plays, will be replaced by Edurne Iturbe. Iturbe has also participated in tamborilero and fusilero positions since the renewal of the 2009 Alarde.
Goiena @goiena 2019ko uztailaren 04a
Edurne Iturbe izango da Mairuen Alardeko kapitaina (argazkia: Goiena)

Thus, along with the leader of the alarde, Lander Domínguez, Edurne Iturbe will be the captain of the training at the Alarde del Moro.

Among other developments, Mikel Bargiela will take the banner of the Moro chapter this year. Bargiela, for her part, will replace Antonio Deogracias in the position of coach.