Retrieves 78 old seeds in Navarre, including "melona"
  • More than 50 families from different municipalities in Navarre have preserved seed species, of which 78 have recovered in the experimental farms of Sartagudo and Doneztebe within a project to combat climate change of the public society INTIA. Among others, they have recovered "melon", a kind of watermelon that in the Ebro Bank was extinguishing.
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Nafarroako Erriberan landatzen zen eta berreskuratu duten "melonaren" mamia eta haziak. Argazkia: INTIA.

INTIA started recovering old seeds in 2018. The most significant case is that of the "melona", which for many years stopped growing in Navarre, but continued to grow in Murillo El Fruit de la Ribera and a person living in Ujué helped to recover the ancient seeds of this unique species. These seeds have been multiplied by the INTIA farm in Sartagudo, thus ensuring the continuity of this almost endangered species.

Melona is a kind of watermelon from the Cucurbitaceans family. According to the testimonies gathered by INTIA, “this type of watermelon was very common to sow in many towns of the Ribera, and it was common to eat a sweet meal made in many houses.” Consumption of these products disappeared in the early 1970s, and today it is barely cultivated.




Melona is collected around October. Photo: INTIA.




Melona: watermelon with dark green seeds

Melona is planted in May. During the breeding phase of the seed of this campaign, melona has been able to develop without pests or diseases. Like all cucurbits, they are stuttering plants that produce large fruits that can exceed 10 kilos of weight. It's light green, it's quite strong on the outside, and when it gets too high, it becomes yellow and the inside is lost right away. The collection of this species is carried out around its scarce number. But to consume fresh it is not so appetizing: its meat does not taste and is therefore only used in pastry to make sweets.

Its seeds are dark green, allowing it to distinguish itself from traditional watermelons. According to INTIA, for those who wish to cultivate these seeds and ensure their follow-up, sufficient seeds are stored at the Germoplasma Plant Species Bank of the Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón (BGHZ – CITA) in Zaragoza.