The opening ceremony of Euskaraldia will be held in Ansoáin
  • On November 20, the second edition of the Euskaraldia social exercise began. For fifteen days, thousands of Euskalzales will participate in the roles "Ahobizi" or "Belarriprest", in which 15 works will be premiered.
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Lehenengo edizioko irekiera ekitaldia.

Antsoain will welcome the opening of the gigantic social exercise, on 19 November, at 19:00 p.m. The second edition of Euskaraldia will be held between 20 November and 4 December. The opening event will be free of charge and tickets can be purchased on the website of the Ansoáin City Hall.

For fifteen days, the participants of Euskaraldia will analyze their linguistic habits and work according to the role they choose. As in the previous edition, registered people will be able to choose two roles:

  • Belarriprest: Those who ask them to speak in Basque are belarriprest, they understand the Basque and want them to speak in Basque. With all those who understand it, they may not speak Basque at all times, but they will do so whenever they can and want. The key is behavior and not ability.
  • Ahobizi: With all those who understand Basque, the drownbizi will speak in Basque. When they do not know if they understand Basque, the first word will always be in Basque; if the interlocutor understands it, they will always do so in Basque. The key is to speak in Basque whenever possible, that is, the role is defined by conduct.

During the celebration of Euskaraldia there are hundreds of entities of all kinds that this year have created arigunes in Navarra. The spaces to speak in Basque will be the arigunes.

The registration can be carried out through the Euskaraldia website, as well as in the information points that are installed in several locations and in mobile applications.

Euskaraldia is organized by Euskaltzaleen Topagunea, in collaboration with the entities of the Basque territory.