I have always believed that Euskal Herria was like Sardes, at the height of Ziro Handia, who knew perfectly well that the customs and passion for the independence of a people or community are key to promoting their self-esteem, and that it was enough to use them with meaning to reconcile their roots and the satisfaction of their will. One crushed. And there's Sardes, to a large extent, one of the world's leading satraques.
But seeing the offensive against Euskera (the Basques), I do not know if our people look more like Antropolis. In Antropolis, as in ours, it's said that there's an elite. It is composed of Basques and, on the excuse of the Basque Country, occupy most of the positions and positions of the administration, excluding the natural majority, that is, the honest Castilian ones. According to experts, 85 per cent of the population cannot access a job in the Public Administration because of linguistic profiles. That is, by the imposition of the Basque: what you want to ask, but you will not get the job if you do not get the Basque. Moreover, like the Jews in Antropolis, the Basques do so in the Basque Country: limit education to their own measure, from early childhood education to university, and deny access to honest people. The Union’s network of wise men is terrible: Eusko Ikaskuntza, ArantzazuLAB, UPV/EHU, Torre Olaso, Sabino Arana Foundation… have become nests and quarries of the political elite. They are the ones who control our future; in that dark spider web, decisions are made that affect and deny the people.
In Antropolis, as in ours, it's said that there's an elite. It is composed of Basques and, on the excuse of the Basque, occupy the majority of the positions and positions of the administration, excluding the natural majority, that is, the faithful Castilian speakers.
It must be acknowledged that the situation in Antropolis was much worse. Only 1 per cent of the population was Jewish, and yet the only place of agent that was offered was occupied by a Jew. In theory, both the constitution and legislation protected equality and equity among citizens, but in reality there was no equality at all. Despite being a minority, the Jews had access to all public service jobs and discriminated against the majority of Arians. Notice that if we looked at the numbers, the Jews had 100 times more rights than the Aria. What's more, the Aria didn't get any of the jobs, zero. As one part is infinite by zero, minority rights were infinitely more than the Aria! And Antropolis rose.
It's not so much for us, but we have to worry. Fifteen per cent get 100 per cent of the jobs, through the exclusionary demands imposed by the shadow woven network. In any case, the conclusion is the same: the day will come when the right of the Basques is infinitely greater than that of the Castellanoparlantes to access a job in the public administration. Without realizing it, we live trapped in its spider's web.
Indeed, the Basque Country has, increasingly, the aspect of Antropolis. And it is that, like the anthropologists, they have stood up and, in the name of equality, have shown that the Basque Country is exclusive with the guarantee of an exact average science and, as if it were not enough, with the protection of the law. From now on, the empty erdaldun will have the full right not to learn and not to use the language of the Ash elite. Ability to speak and not listen, to contribute but not to receive, not to learn what they do not like and to eliminate the fragile. Antropolis in our country.
Aitor Montes Lasarte, family doctor in Osakidetza