Experts warn about the impact that the San Sebastian Artificial Swell Park could have on the environment
  • Environmental advisor Javier Ferreres, at the request of the Antondegi Berdea group, has produced a technical report on the project to build the Arifial Surf Park in Antondegi (Donostia). The report has analyzed possible plant conditions and has been signed by conservation and biology experts.
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Argazkia: Antondegi Berdea

As regards the natural value of Antondegi, the report refers, among other things, to the wealth of flora and fauna it contains. "In the last 30 years, San Sebastian has lost almost 40% of its countryside area and Antondegi, in this context, is one of the last rural corners of the city," says the study. It is a "tempting area" for many species of birds, both for feeding, nesting and resting.

On the other hand, the report states that Antondegi has a "high value" as an ecological step and allows the connection of ecological spaces within the municipality of Donostia-San Sebastián. "This is an important repository of San Sebastian's biodiversity, located on the axis that forms the Urumea (another great ecological step of Gipuzkoa) and integrated into the green infrastructure of Gipuzkoa proposed by the Environmental Department of the Foral Council."

Given the damage caused by the installation of artificial waves, the experts consider that the installation of an artificial wave lagoon in Antondegi would "deteriorate" the countryside landscape of the municipality of Donostia-San Sebastián and would cause a "loss" of biodiversity, replacing the unurbanized soil with urbanized soil. "We must not forget, moreover, that this negative impact would go beyond the area occupied by the installations. In addition to the artificial wave pool, new entrances will have to be built, traffic will increase and people's transit will increase".

Eleven signatures

In addition to the opposition to the creation of an artificial wave park in Antondegi, the signing experts have highlighted the European Green Pact, the Euskadi 2030 Agenda and the Guipuzkoan Strategy to Fight Climate Change 2050. "In these treaties, administrations commit themselves, inter alia, to protecting, recovering and promoting the sustainable use of ecosystems and to curbing the loss of biodiversity. Likewise, in order not to increase the urbanized surface to the detriment of unurbanizable land and natural habitat".


Dr. José Luis Tellería, Professor of Zoology, Dr. Elisa Sainz de Murieta en Geología, Dr. Arturo Elosegi, Professor of Ecology Daniel García, Dr. Life Sciences, Dr. Dr. Arantza Aldezabal Joxerra Aihartza Biologian, PhD in Economics and Ecology Juan