Beyond anti-capitalism
  • Sometimes, when we look at the capitalist system prevailing in the world, we can get caught up in a purely anti-capitalist reflection. We forget that this capitalism has alternatives and, above all, that they can be put into practice.
Juan Mari Arregi 2021eko maiatzaren 13a
Koopdenontzat proiektuaren baitan, ekonomia femnistaren inguruko saioa (argazkia: TaPuntu kooperatiba)

In Euskal Herria, many and varied alternatives are being developed, to stand out and applaud, instead of talking about anti-capitalist rule in general. Instead of referring to anti-capitalism with a small mouth, these practices should be strengthened.

The cooperative experience of the Mondragon Group pioneered this field in the middle of the last century. Despite its pros and cons, it is fair to acknowledge its initial intentions and its work in developing and maintaining cooperativism in different sectors.

But in recent years, experiences have been developed in other areas: industry, education, culture, art, agriculture, finance, journalism... Let's give some examples, although there may be many more. There are the 25 producers of Errigora from Navarra, who argue that “the land is ours and not the land of the market”. In the financial sphere, we can cite Koop57, which has supported 36 projects employing 186 people. Also in the field of communication and journalism, here in ARGIA, we have the Ametzagaiña group, supported by a large community. On the other hand, Olatukoop is expanding its transformative economy network, some of the companies we have referred to are partners, and much more.

Equality, solidarity, feminism, ecology, sovereignty… to bring those values to our initiatives and experiences, to integrate them into our lives and into our society, is to go beyond anti-capitalism: we are laying the foundations of a new world alternative to capitalism.