An alliance between anti-specionists and small speciists
Gorka Novales Uriarte 2021eko urriaren 28a

I found on the ARGIA website an article with a striking title of alliance between vegans and small farmers. I was questioned and encouraged to respond to the constructive attitude of the article that is to be welcomed. There it goes.

The commercial strategies being developed by the great capitalists of food production are worrying. They have been able to take advantage of the demands of a critical society to change the products produced and increase their sales. The drivers of green capitalism are fast.

The relocation of production processes and the accumulation of productive resources in recent decades is even more worrying. Because it makes us more and more vulnerable to workers. In this context of accumulation are the processed products that are being developed with the intention of selling them to vegans.

The diet of most vegans is based on products that can be produced in any hamlet of the Basque Country; vegetables, seeds, cereals, beans and soy in the Atlantic area, lentils and chickpeas in the Mediterranean... We can be sovereign, but there are those who want us to be dependent on specific products. That is intolerable.

-It doesn't matter if the animals are well treated, loved, or die with the least pain. There's no way to kill someone who doesn't want to die."

Respecting the interests of non-human animals is not our only political choice, most of us are clear that we must put an end to this system of mass oppression as soon as possible. That is why, among other things, we are betting on the dwellings. Not in favour of any element of the charities, because what is the heritage of the Basques has many things to go through.

A paternalistic mentality means that we speak from the city and from the youth. It is believed that we are ignorant of good intentions because we have a mistaken image of the rural world. This surprises me, because I live in the farmhouse and I see every day how animals that are not human live. From the most symbolic to the most cruel element, suffering is the predominant in this rural life idealized by many. Animals are trampled by humans.

There is a world between industrial livestock farming and the production of small farmers. The former makes us subjects, the latter can make us independent, but others are stupid. It does not matter whether the animals are well treated, loved or killed with the least pain. There's no way to kill someone who doesn't want to die.

In the meantime, anti-cyclists have to hear at all times that a balance must be struck between respect for the interests of animals and the fight against capitalism. As if our voices were not profoundly anti-capitalist. They give us sterile arguments instead of getting into dialectical discussions with us. But we have infinite patience.

Anti-specialists will never be able to bet on small farmers until they become farmers.