Vagina in the animal place
  • Or vice versa, animals like humans. This is the exercise of imagination carried out by the Irish artist Barbara Daniels. It turns our relationship and behavior with animals around and thus puts us human beings in front of the mirror. And in view of the result, the truth is that some of the drawings he has made have to be admitted to causing a chill.
Bixio Irrisarri Zu Zeu @zuzeu 2018ko uztailaren 11

The section called Domination over Man aims to encourage reflection. “What if we turned our relationship with animals around and took their place? How would we feel if we were dependent on another species?” says Barbara Daniels. And as a starting point for the debate, he has drawn animals that exploit humans: in the bullring, in the foei gras factory, in hunting...

Globally, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 60 billion mammals and birds are killed, and 90 billion marine animals.

Most of the time, these killings are carried out within the framework of industrial activity, without taking into account in any way the suffering that the animals may suffer.

In these cases, we only look at economic performance; and for all this, the artist wanted to put us in the place of animals, or to express us in another way, on the skin of oppressed people. In this way, it will be essential to pay attention to the following questions: “Why is animal suffering so unimportant in industrialized societies? Why does man regard all other species as subordinate?”

This news has been published by Zu Sé and we have brought it to LUZ thanks to the CC-By-SA license.

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