Angel Oiarbide and Zelai Nikolas Will Stop Being Spokespeople
  • Angel Oiarbide and Zelai Nikolas will no longer be spokespeople for Inca esku dago after almost six years. They will henceforth be members of the Board of Directors of the Dynamics. On 20 March, both spokespersons will offer their "last colloquium" in the Kafe Antzokia of the Biscayan capital. @uriolaeus 2019ko martxoaren 13a
Nikolas eta Oiarbide, 2018ko ekitaldi batean.

Since the creation of Šesku dago in June 2013, Angel Oiarbide and Zelai Nikolas have been the faces and voice of popular dynamics. Almost six years later, the witness of the Portavocía will pass into new hands, but they will continue to work hard on the task and will be members of Céesku dago and the Governing Board.

On 31 March a new stage of Šesku dago starts at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao, leaving in Bilbao. The dynamic will assess the journey made so far and present the challenges for the future. It is precisely that day that it will be presented to the new spokesmen and to the members who will be part of the Governing Board, among other things. There will be Angel Oiarbide and Zelai Nikolas.

Before the event, on 20 March, both spokespeople will offer their "last colloquium" at the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao, starting at 19:00. In addition to reviewing the six years, the programme will deal with the reading of the political context and the contribution that Enti Esku Dago is making to Basque society in a close and special colloquium.

This news was posted by Uriola and we brought it to ARGIA under the CC-by-sa license.