Ane Muguruza
"We haven't been recognized for the damage they caused us yet, and we're waiting for it."
  • The leaders of the Abertzale left Santi Brouard and Josu Muguruza have been honoured in Bilbao after 36 and 31 years, respectively, by the LAGs, convened by the Egiari zor Foundation.
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Arg.: Egiari Zor Fundazioa

The event began in the monolith of Brouard and from there they have addressed the Plaza de Rekalde. Institutional representatives and various political groups were present at the event, including representatives of the PSE in the Bilbao City Hall. On behalf of the organizers, Ane Muguruza, daughter of Josu Muguruza, has stated from the outset that this tribute is not only for these two militants, but for all the victims of the state, “to all those who continue to fight to bring the truth out of the shadow to light, to those who have no small space in the media”.

He has made a ferocious critique of the historical memory that is being worked on officially today and has pointed out that "under this need to impose a single story are the democratic deficiencies of the state itself". “It is not surprising, therefore, that the victims of state violence have no place in this official report.”

“There is much talk about the story of violence,” Muguruza continued, but there is no reflection about the violence of a story that limits history and collective memory, which prevents us from talking about the great suffering caused.”

It has also addressed the personal sphere and said that it is dolied: “Personally, I find it painful and incomprehensible that, belonging to the same party that has held public office condemned for being related to the dirty war, a leader publicly says that ‘the victims of the GAL do not need a commission of inquiry to clarify Felipe González’s role in the dirty war’. Groin and earrings: “It is absolutely intolerable that the damage we were inflicted today has not yet been acknowledged, that it has not assumed the political responsibilities of all these crimes. Of course, there are some outstanding tasks and we are still waiting.”

The full presentation of Ane Muguruza can be read on the website of the Egiari Zor Foundation.