"The PNV goes down and we take note of the message"
  • The president of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar, acknowledges that this is a "sweet night" and states that it has been harmed by the reduction in participation. "It's not about how much the other parties won, but the PNV has gone down, and we're going to take the message into account."  
ARGIA @argia 2023ko maiatzaren 29a

Ortuzar mentioned "self-criticism" and "reflection" in the evening election speech. He begins to thank the participation of all citizens and the social protection that the party has had: "We are the first political force of the CAV and we will also be a fundamental force in Navarra and in Pamplona, through Geroa Bai. In the General Boards of Bizkaia, in those of Álava, we have been the first force in Donostia".

"Reduced participation has undermined our results. During the campaign we have pointed out how important it was to vote, but some have not responded to the call, so we pick it up as self-criticism." He states that the party undertakes "to analyze these results and to adapt political action to this new reality".

After commenting that the campaign has been dense, Ortuzar pointed out that "the PNV manifests with clarity and humility that it will assume the leadership of public opinion in municipal and foral institutions of the city, and that we will also discuss the dialogue with other political parties so that the municipalities, the deputies and the assemblies are constituted in a solid and stable way".

"We know that society has difficulty in dealing with these times," he said, "we will act responsibly in the places where we are in the opposition".

Ortuzar has made his priority clear: to enable the governability of municipalities and boards. "Tomorrow Euskadi Buru Batzar will decide on the process of political negotiation."