Andoni Ortuzar (PNV)
“We will create a government that gives stability, credibility and confidence to the Basque Country”
  • The president of the Basque Country Buru Batzar defended that “the PNV has won the elections!” as soon as Andoni Ortuzar began his speech and received a applause from his colleagues.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko apirilaren 21a
Argazkia: Eitb

Ortuzar stressed that the PNV was the first political force in the votes and in the seats, tied to the second. It appreciates the trust of Basque society.

It says that "it is clear" the message of citizen support: "to advance and improve the welfare of Basques with quality public services and strong self-government". He adds that those who have trusted will not fail: “We will do everything to build a healthy coexistence and rule for all.”

Ortuzar has announced that from tomorrow he will lead the process of setting up the Basque institutions and will contact the other political parties.

The President of BSE explained that society has opted for a Basque government chaired by the PNV and a plural government. It indicates that they have a strong program and that they will work towards consensus on a government program. He adds that they will constitute a government that gives stability, credibility and confidence to the Basque Country.

He says they will be able to interpret the messages of those who have given a critical and rigorous component in the campaign.

Ortuzar was at his side to arrange Iñigo Urkullu and thanked him for "being there" for the service he has provided in his role as lehendakari, and so he said: "this achievement is also his".

Imanol Pradales: "The ball is on our roof."

The presidential candidate, Imanol Pradales, spoke. He says that the ball is in his court and that they have to act "with total responsibility and exemplary". He adds that he will defend the interests of society as a whole. For the Basque Country, he says that he will give everything with "humility and work". Then, as he pointed out in the interview with EITB, the "natural" would be to reach a government agreement with the PSE.