Response to Ander Jiménez on Podemos
Ramón Grosfoguel @ProfGrosfoguel 2020ko irailaren 11

To think that EH Bildu has joined the thesis of plurinationality as an imitation of Podemos is a lack of respect for the intelligence of Basque sovereignty, which years before Pablo Iglesias, Juan Carlos Monedero and Iñigo Errejón were born, Basque sovereignty recognized the plurality of nations without sovereignty.

"Basque sovereignty, many years before Pablo Iglesias, Juan Carlos Monedero and Iñigo Errejón were born, recognized the plurality of nations without sovereignty"

At that time not to use the term “plurinational” (it should be clarified that this term does not come from Podemos, but from the indigenous peoples of Latin America), and now it does, does not mean that they did not have the idea of the plurality of nations within the state, nor that they are imitating Podemos. In any case, they would be imitating the indigenous peoples of Latin America, who have generated the concept of “plurinational”, but it is also a lie, because the Basque sovereign movements have always assumed the plurality of nations within the Spanish State, before the indigenous people of Latin America coined the term “plurinational”.

The best answer to Ander's questions, to Mr. Monedero as an ideologist of Spanish leftist and the nefarious role of Podemos in the nations without sovereignty, is found in this video three years ago and in this audio that just two months ago (both in Spanish):

1) Grosfoguel responds to Monedero (Grosfoguel replies to Monedero): Video held on 23 September 2017, 8 days before the referendum held on 1 October in Catalonia

2) On the results of the Galician eleiçons (on the electoral results in Galicia): Audio issued on July 14, 2020 following the Galician elections on July 12.