The City Hall of Amurrio and the Administrative Boards jointly submit allegations to Solaria’s energy generation project
  • Local authorities have questioned the environmental impact study and have warned that it will have a severe environmental impact and that a joint study will have to be carried out for future projects.
Aiaraldea @aiaraldea 2024ko uztailaren 10a

The City Hall of Amurrio, in collaboration with the Lezama Administrative Board, the Barambio Administrative Board and the Larrinbe Administrative Board, in that the layout of the evacuation infrastructures directly affects them, has presented in the Territorial Delegation of Industrial Administration of Álava, allegations of the Solaria energy generation project. These claims concern the municipality affected by the evacuation infrastructure of the PV solar plant (2-3-4) to the point foreseen in substation 400 of Zierbena.

The allegations presented question various aspects of the environmental impact study presented by Solaria. According to local authorities, this study fails to comply with the recently approved General Urban Management Plan (PGOU) and, in some cases, seriously affects the local environment.

In addition, it is considered that the evacuation infrastructure can be used for other photovoltaic and/or wind projects whose location is not yet known. In this case, and given that it has access and connection permits in the same node of the transport network, a joint environmental study should be carried out to evaluate the interactions in the territory.

Finally, the signatory administrations agree that once the submitted claims have been resolved, the City Council, together with the Administrative Boards concerned, will re-examine the adoption of new initiatives in this regard.