Department of Education to close small school in Amurrio
  • The Zabal-Bizirik Platform reports that the Department of Education has informed you that it will close the centre of Zabala. They say it has been a sudden and not consensual decision. The platform will defend an Euskaldun, public, close and small school.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko maiatzaren 24a
Protestak hasiak dira. Argazkia: Zabaleko Bizirik Plataforma.

The platform has reported that the proposed merger of the two Primary Education Centres, Zabale and Mendiko de Amurrio, has been transferred from the Department of Education on 20 May. Thus, Amurrio would have a single public center.

Zabala School is a small school and is 62 years old. According to the platform, if Zaballa were to disappear, the model of small schools would disappear: the diversity of ages, rooted in Amurrio, public and Euskaldun. They have stressed that the school has been the meeting point for 62 years for all the residents of the San José neighborhood.

The Zabal-Bizirik Platform has launched to prevent school shutdown and have pointed out that all kinds of supports will be welcome. Mobilizations, festive acts of protest will be organized and they will be on social networks asking that the small school of Zaballa not be closed.