The Miravalles-El Redin e Irabia–Izaga centers will give up and set up mixed classrooms
  • The members of the management communicated their decision to the teachers and families on Thursday 17: contrary to what was initially indicated, the next course will have mixed classrooms. The Lomloe Regulation stipulates that centres receiving public funding do not differ by gender.
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Miravalles-El Redin ikastetxea. Argazkia:

Nowadays, from Elementary to Baccalaureate, the students are distributed in different buildings in the centers of Miravalles-El Redin e Irabia -Izaga.

The Government of Navarra renewed the educational concerts in May, which were held in Pamplona. According to the agreement, the schools have committed to comply with the Lomloe regulations, so they will not be able to decouple students from public funding based on sex. The concert has been signed for six courses and the Government has already announced the start of the inspections.

Thus, the centers have modified their initial "no", which has been rejected. The members of the management have explained that they will do so in a phased manner. They will start with the first Primary Education course, so most students will continue to be disaggregated by sex next year.