Demonstration in favour of amnesty in Pamplona, over and above the ban
  • Convened by the Pro Amnesty and Anti-Repression Movement, hundreds of people have spoken on 27 June in Pamplona/Iruña against the Government Delegation’s ban in Navarre. Patxi Ruiz has been the axis of the manifestation, with a message of "example of dignity" and shouts of "Patxi, the struggle, does not stop".
ARGIA @argia 2020ko ekainaren 29a
Argazkia: @AmnistiaGarrasi Argazkia: @AmnistiaGarrasi

The Pro Amnesty Movement explained that with this demonstration "we wanted to denounce the murderous nature of the prison, pulling the line of what Patxi Ruiz's struggle has exposed, and the reflection of what the states do on the street, the legitimacy and generosity of those who have opposed this system and amnesty. With the ban on today's mobilisation, the Fascists themselves have shown that what happens inside and outside prison is in the same repressive logic".

According to URL0, about 400 people have participated in the demonstration. In this short video the chronicle of the manifestation is collected:


The video of the Pro Amnesty Movement takes the step of the demonstration: