Amnesty, today's bread and tomorrow's hunger
Txema Landa Aizkorbe @LandaTxema 2024ko otsailaren 21

It is clear that Amnesty is today's bread and tomorrow's hunger.

JuntsxCate and ERC’s request for Amnesty has been a misguided operation, as those who fought for the referendum in 2017, following Amnesty’s implementation, would return to jail if they tried again.

There is no reason for Sumario, EH Bildu, PNV, Podemos and BNG to support the current text. This text does not protect or protect what it needs, and there are Spanish judges who invent crimes at their will.

In Catalonia they need a referendum, whether or not they are friends with the Amnesty referendum, so as not to leave in the hands of the legal architecture of the Kingdom of Spain, besides independence, the present and future of independence.

I would dare to assure you that one of the families of the PSOE has perfectly designed the "totum revolutum" that has been included in this subject, to fall into the ERC and JuntsxCat trap. This would put those who have defended the law as in Congress in a situation of difficult explanation, if only for innocence.

In Euskal Herria we have some experience of how Amnesty acted in 1977 and that much of the independence returned to prison.

Txema Landa