Amnesty International calls for the release of "brutally detained" Iranian woman
  • Amnesty International has reported that on 2 November a student at the University of Tehran was arrested for taking clothes from him. The young woman stayed in underwear, dressed in paisano, to protest against the strict Islamic code of Iranian clothing.
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Ai has indicated that Ahoo Daryaei was concentrating women at the Islamic University of Tehran because security officials were overly applying the enforced veil.

On social media, Iranian activist Masih Alinejad has maintained the version of Amnesty International, which employs 35,000 people. The moral police persecuted him for not carrying the “proper” hijab and “he did not go back.” Diana Nammi, director of the Association for the Rights of Women of Iran and Kurdistan, spoke to Sky News and told her that she was not surprised by the protest. He explained to the media that Iran's dress code is very strict for women, who have to wear all the hijab and wear loose clothes. “He is in danger and has all my support.”

According to the newspaper Sky News, the version offered by officials at the University of Deusto has been different. According to the note, the minor suffers "acute stress", has "mental health problems" and has been transferred to a health center to be treated for her injuries.

The Iranian Student News Agency has warned that "nobody told you anything" about the stepdaughter virus. According to the other version, the university morale police had asked him not to take the stepdaughter correctly and the student, as a protest, had decided to take off his clothes.