Amillubi overcomes its first target with 180,000 euros of citizens and agents
  • The Biolur Association aims at the acquisition of the Amilibia farmhouse of Zestoa and its lands, as well as the implementation of agroecological projects linked to food sovereignty. To this end, inter alia, the Internet collection campaign began in December and set the deadline until the end of May. By putting a number on the target, he posed a big challenge: Getting EUR 150,000 in the campaign via the internet and getting through this route is not easy: EUR 132,604 on the internet platform. During this period, other citizens and agents have come directly to Biolur to make their contribution and, among them all (both through the Internet platform and through the direct contribution of Biolur), they have totaled EUR 180,000. They have therefore largely exceeded the target. The Amillubi work team has valued as much as the financial amount the large community that has contributed to the project. They've detailed the numbers.
Estitxu Eizagirre @eeizagirre 2024ko maiatzaren 31
Argazkian, Amillubi proiektua aurkeztu zuteneko argazkia, iragan abendu hasieran. Argazkia: Dani Blanco / ARGIA-CC-BY-SA.
Internet Collection Data

They received a total of 795 contributions over the internet in these six months and raised €132,604. Among them, 36 are social and economic agents and 759 are individuals. As for their territoriality, 74% come from Gipuzkoa and the rest of 171 villages in the Basque Country, and another 32 contributions come from different State territories.

The Internet was collected by the Coop57 Foundation, according to Amillubi members: "Both to boost the campaign and to be able to monitor all the procedures and details that such an initiative requires." After the deadline, the Internet collection campaign is over, but the last contributions (here) can be received in the next two weeks as the platform closes.

The project was presented in Azpeitia on December 1, 2023, in a mass event and throughout these months has had a wide impact on the national and local media of Euskal Herria, thanks to the strength provided by the Amillubi working group and its collaboration with the media. In parallel, 12 presentations have been made in different towns and cities to bring the project closer to citizenship. Tolosaldea is the only Gipuzkoa valley that has not yet submitted the project. They have also made presentations in Pamplona and Algorta, with the intention of continuing the presentations in the coming months.

In the image, the percentage of income sources received by the Amillubi project. The figures in euros are: crowfunding or internet platform for 132,604 euros; direct contributions to Biolur for 41,073 euros; Sweepstakes and Bonolaguntza 23,872 euros; IPDK of Cooperative Benefits for 74,000 euros and, therefore, 118,451 euros that are missing to be raised for the purchase of dwellings and land and the repair of the dwellings.
Target to raise EUR 390,000: valuation from other sources

In the meander of the river Urola is the Amilibia farmhouse and its fertile lands: 4 hectares of farmland and 5 hectares of forest and a hamlet of 500 square metres. The Amillubi project must add €390,000 for purchase and repair by the end of 2025. As explained, one of the sources of revenue has been the Internet campaign, which has so far raised EUR 132,604. But Biolur is also working on the following sources:

At the moment, the total revenue from various sources is EUR 271,549. Therefore, EUR 118,451 must be obtained in order to reach the EUR 390,000 needed for the purchase and repair of farmland and land.

Some agents and individuals have not made their contribution through the internet, they have come directly to the Biolur. In this way they have completed EUR 41.073. Of those who have made this contribution, 43 are individuals and 13 are actors from different areas (social, cultural, economic, trade union…).

Cooperatives also invest part of their annual profits in social projects (known as IPDK). 6 cooperatives in the Basque Country allocate part of their benefit to the Amillubi project (outside the Internet recruitment campaign), through which they received a contribution of EUR 74,000.

A draw in favor of Amillubi has also been made, obtaining in its tickets 17,592 euros. In addition, bonuses have been made available to citizens at various fairs, as a form of contribution to Amillubi, so at the moment they have raised 6,280 euros.

I May. The closure of the Spring Party accounts is yet to be determined, but that will also contribute to the collection.

Another fundamental source of income is the linking of agreements with municipalities or other public institutions. This road was launched with the implementation of the project and agreement has been reached with the municipalities of Zestoa, Aizarnazabal, Zumaia and Azpeitia. To advance the Amillubi strategy and food sovereignty, they expect other municipalities to join.

For the time being, therefore, the total revenue from these sources is EUR 271,549. It is therefore EUR 118,451 that will have to be obtained in the coming months in order to reach the necessary EUR 390,000.

The Amillubi team is very happy because with the money raised so far it will be able to meet the payment commitments of 2024 and has gained time to reach the payments it will have to make in 2025. The Amillubi Working Group has pointed out that the family that has sold the house and the land has allowed him to make the payment in instalments, so to start this project they will not pay mortgages to the banks and that "the objective of executing the purchase without debt is closer. This can provide a more stable and solid basis for food production projects starting in it.

Much has been achieved so far, but the Amillubi team will have to continue working on the ant, presenting the project of agents by towns and agents and adding new members. It values as much as the economic support it has received so far from the community that has joined the project and has expressed its appreciation to all: "We understand what has been achieved as an achievement of the whole community, and collectively, in the people and for the people it is possible to develop initiatives. Congratulations to everyone! ".

49 agents and 944 individuals currently maintain the Amillubi collective project

The financial contributions in one form or another are 993 members: 49 agents and 944 individuals.

In addition to the financial contribution, a declaration or partnership agreement has been made with different actors. This network of agents has been deployed in recent months and in the coming weeks the Amillubi Community will be available on the Amillubi website.

This large and varied number of members reflects the adhesion of the Amillubi project since its creation. In the words of the Amillubi group, "this broad adhesion reaffirms that the bases established by the Amillubi project with its practice are strategic: to understand and care for the soil as a natural good, to collectivize the land, to make the cultivated land available to farmers, to make a cultivation respectful of the environment and to take steps towards food sovereignty with citizens".

Amillubi thanked all the members who have so far joined the project and made an economic contribution, and called on those who have not yet met to join the community in which it grows: "From now on, several possibilities of individual contribution or as an agent are opened, both to add the 118,451 euros that are missing to reach the total, and to strengthen the Amillubi journey, the Earth beating".

Open forms of contribution

- The Internet platform for financial contributions will be operational until 10 June.

- Direct contribution to Biolur's current account: ES37 1550 0001 2400 1666 3726

- Contact with violas:

- Registration in the volunteer network. The Amillubi Working Group has summoned those who want to collaborate in the neighborhood work or share their knowledge to collaborate in the Amillubi project through or by calling 943 76 14 47.

- For buying light bulbs. At the fairs they are available at the tables of the farmers of Biolur and at the shops selling the productions of the farmers of Biolur.

- By purchasing Amillubi shirts: At the fairs, at the tables of the farmers of Biolur and in the store of Luz.

Land Amillubin is already beating

With the proceeds the land of Amillubi has been launched, where organic gardeners have made a plantation in Amillubin in the spring in order to obtain the leek plant nearby. In addition, they have planted half a hectare of maize and beans, and have carried out and improved various infrastructures such as the renewal of the water supply system and the new plant purification system for channelling grey and black waters.