Amikuzen will celebrate this year five February Thursday
  • The Amikuzeko Zabalik association begins this week the 26th edition of the Otsail Ostegunak lecture cycles entirely in Basque. In this edition, the conferences will also be held for five Thursdays in the Bideak space of Donapaleu, which until recently was a convent of Franciscan friars. The talks start at 20:30 in the afternoon and end with the tasting of the cake offered to the attendees.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko otsailaren 06a
2020ko Otsail Ostegunetan hizlari, Ainize Madariaga. Argazkia: Kanaldude

Thursday of February will be held for 26 years in Donapaleu, defined by Mattin Irigoien, member of Zabalik, in Irulegi Irratia as “We give a place in Euskera to those who work in one place and another in Euskal Herria, and on the other hand we give the opportunity to those who want to hear or dialogue with them, that knowledge was our foundation: a moment. From this base, for 26 years, dozens of rapporteurs have been in Donapaleun sharing their knowledge on all kinds of issues.

This February, after the first failed Thursday, the first conference given by Txomin Poveda will take place on 9 February: Transformative practices in our territory: what and how?.

Poveda is a PhD in Sociology, a worker of the Iratzar foundation and coordinator of the Bagira process that has recently been launched. The organizers of Zabalik present it as “To respond to the social needs of the territories, instead of using conventional militant practices, more and more citizens choose to build alternatives. The Northern Basque Country is characterized by the dynamism of this transformative practice. In many sectors popular tools have been built to create solutions to popular demands: local economy, currency, Basque, teaching, popular cultivation, energy, culture, participating media, etc.

Thanks to a doctorate in sociology presented at UPPA, Txomin Poveda has asked about the carriers of alternatives in the Northern Basque Country, in which a review will be made of the historical trajectory of the alternatives in the Northern Basque Country and what logic are involved in this type of transformations of women and men in the territory”.

On February 16, Xan Aire will be at the hand of Murkegi Square, in a talk titled from Euskera to Euskera for children and young people. Aire is a Basque technician, has been developed for 14 years in Seaska and is currently forming the Plazara cooperative, with the aim of popularizing the language from communication, advice, training and interaction. Lorea Etxeberria and Antton Seichal of the Kea association will also participate in the same event to discuss their experience.

As explained by Mattin Irigoien, Xan Aire has written an award-winning article in sociolinguistics that analyzes how things have been organized in extralaboral, sports, etc. in the ikastola of Uztaritze, so that children can assume more and in Basque. Etxeberria and Seichal will recount the experience of Ortzaiz, where parents gather to do something because the children did not use the Basque language outside the ikastola, because clubs and all the sport in general works in French. The effort of the parents has been, on the one hand, to put the Basque country also into sport and, on the other, to develop the abilities of the children so that clubs can try five different sports each year if a particular sport is hosted.

On February 23, psychologist Elorri Garat will address persecution from Kalapita: talk about the dynamics generated by group living around conflicts between children, but also between parents and other adults.

Libertisma de Amikuze 2018. Photo: Amaiur Aristi

That same week, on 26 February, the Libertism of Amikuze will take place in Donapaleun, a carnival theatre that has nothing to do with form, but full of curds, organizers and spirits. This Sunday the ride will start at 10:00 in the morning in the streets and from 11:00 you will see the dancer, zirtzil and bertsolaris in the Market Square.

On March 2, the coordinator of the movement Xebas Kristi Alda will explain the experience of the ALDA movement: where and where ... La Alda was born two years ago in Iparralde, with the aim of improving the material living conditions of people in their daily environment (housing, neighborhood, access to work, transport, schools, administration, banking and services, consumption, complement, environment, etc.). ).

In the last hour Zabalik has included a fifth Thursday in the annual program of four: on 9 March the archaeologists of the scientific society ARANTZADI Mattin Aiestaran and Juantxo Agirre Mauleon will present the hand of congratulation of Irulegi; the Zabalik have thus spoken with the text “Zorioneku” found last year in the famous excavation.