AMETS Arzallus
"Now everyone is in favor of Euskera, also those who designed and practiced his death"
Estitxu Eizagirre @eeizagirre 2018ko azaroaren 22a

In the ETB program dedicated to the Basque Country, Edurne Azkarate interviewed Amets Arzallus, one of the members of the association. The following statements are being made on social networks:

AMETS Arzallus " will be seen now, and will be seen throughout the Basque Country, everyone is in favor of the Basque, also those who designed and practiced the death of the Basque, and all their heirs.

But those speeches have a trap in the middle, they accept the Basque language, but in their small space, in that corner. And if possible, without disturbing others. When you get out of there and sit alongside each other and lie in the center, then conflicts arise. And in the face of conflict, we also have speeches and arguments full of complexes.

It seems that a Basque always has to justify himself. Both in his inner circle and in a parliament... the Basque always carries with him the burden of the need to justify himself. And that burden is really tiring and astonishing. I believe that if someone had to justify themselves, those who do not know would have to justify them. But no, that burden has been added to what you know.

If we have to get out of this inferiority, and once and for all of that subordination, we have to justify less and without complexes that step of bringing the Basque to the center, we have to break the cultural and linguistic hierarchies and put it on par and put the Basque in the center".

In the fourth minute there is the fragment you have just read. But it's worth listening to the full interview. In total, it's 7 minutes.