Ambazada members reach Euskal Herria
  • Other attractions include the gaztetxe Marvels (Pamplona/Iruña) or the occupied district of Errekaleor (Vitoria-Gasteiz). They will also participate in the assembly to be held on 26 January in the Zarzuela Palace.    
Iñigo Igartua @igartua19 2019ko urtarrilaren 25
Argazkia: @Ambazada

The members of Ambazada, based in the ZAD area of Notre-Dame-des-Landes (Brittany) and who group the struggles, will meet with agents of Euskal Herria. The lands of the ZAD belong to the French State and the 170 inhabitants who inhabit it are working to maintain what has been built with resistance for years.

“Our goal is to maintain the possibility of working together after a phase of confrontation by the violent expulsion of the French State,” said one member of the movement.

The Ambazada project, created in 2017, is still under construction. Several departures have also been organized from Euskal Herria. Gerald, a member of Ambazada, has stated that “solidarity is two-way”.

Seven months from the G7 summit, they want to organise a week to encourage exchange and reflection around the world.