The Tribunal Dei reiterates its decision to limit Amazon's sales in France to "the most urgent"
  • The Court of Appeal of Versailles has ratified the judgment of 14 April. Amazon France is asked to measure health risks and to respect protective measures. In the event of failure to comply with the judgment, you must pay a fine of EUR 100,000 for a judgment infringement and a prison day.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 24a

The Attac association has described as "victory" the verdict that has been achieved through the struggle. The decision of the Versalles Calling Court is good news for those mobilized in defence of workers' rights and health: Amazon France should limit its sale to “urgent goods”. In addition, the magistrate has also asked him to make an assessment of the health risks posed to him. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine of EUR 100,000 each day and any infringement of the judgment.

On 14 April last, the Nanterre court authorised the sale of the most important goods - food, hygiene and medical products - because it did not carry out that measurement. The judgment of 14 April reads as follows: “Amazon France Logistique has clearly trampled on its role of ensuring the safety and prevention of workers’ health, a clearly unfair problem.”

However, on this occasion, the court has broadened the list of most peremptory authorized products: in addition to food and hygienic and medical products, sales can be processed in the high-tech, informatics, office, cattle, body care and health, man, nutrition, parafarmacy, epicism, beverages and maintenance sectors. The voice of the defense seems to have been taken into account, because Amazon's attorney has been explaining that you can't define the "urgent room."

On the day following the first judgment, the management decided to close the six warehouses in France.

The old world

Despite the urgent need for some areas, trade unions and associations in the defence of social justice have been congratulated. The unions Sud Solidaires, CGT, CFDT and FO faced the multinational in an attempt to curb the bleeding. “Amazon is synonymous with the old world, an unsustainable ecological, fiscal and social model. We have welcomed the fact that French Justice has prioritized workers’ health and not the benefits of Amazon,” as read in Attac’s document. The partnership has made it clear that it will closely monitor the measurement of health risks.