The National Hearing Prosecutor’s Office calls for a ban on Ospa Eguna in Alsasua
  • The Prosecutor’s Office of the Spanish National Court has asked the judge to prohibit the Eguna Spa on Saturday for the request of the Civil Guard (JUCIL). In his view, this is a party that fosters hatred and hopelessness against the armed organization.
Iñaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2019ko abuztuaren 30
Ospa Egunaren aurkezpena. Argazkia: Altsasuko Gazte Asanblada.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office has already transferred to the second central court of inquiry in Barcelona the report calling for a ban on the Eguna Spa. For her part, the president of Navarra, María Chivite, said that a day like this "cannot be banned". In his view, an act cannot be prohibited in a democracy because an association believes that it will commit a crime.

Chivite recalled that the Eguna Ospa has been held since 2010 and stressed that pp and UPN governments have never banned it from being held normally. However, he has put the work of the Civil Guard and the National Police to value, and has said that he does not like the purpose and meaning of the Eguna Spa.

Although it does not prohibit it, Chivite has said that the Prosecutor’s Office will be vigilant in detecting and investigating possible crimes: “If there is a crime I understand that the prosecutor’s office is denouncing it, but that cannot be done before,” said the president of Navarra.