The Government of Navarre announces its presence at Saturday’s demonstration for the youth of Altsasu
  • The Government of Navarre will also participate in the demonstration that will take place on Saturday in Pamplona to denounce the situation of young people in Altsasu. María Solana, voter and counselor, will be present.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko apirilaren 11
Mobilizazio ugari egiten ari dira Altsasuko gazteek bizi duten injustiziaren aurrean. (Arg.: Guaixe) Mobilizazio ugari egiten ari dira Altsasuko gazteek bizi duten injustiziaren aurrean. (Arg.: Guaixe)

On Monday, the Parliament of Navarre called for participation in the demonstration and, in view of this, the Government has also decided to be present at today’s government meeting, Solana explained.

“The justice. The demonstration will start on Saturday at 17:30 from the Golem cinemas in Pamplona with the slogan “It’s not terrorism”. During the week, the Basque trade union majority and the CCOO are also invited to participate.

Solana said after the government meeting that the demand for proportionality is the basis of the demonstration and that "in this case there is no proportionality" because, among others, Adur Ramírez de Alda, Basoan Arnanz and Jokin Unamuno are still imprisoned for more than 500 days.

Solana stresses that many other actors in society have also denounced the lack of proportionality in this matter and, among others, from Europe. The Government of Navarre has specified that it must also be a guarantor of rights and that is why the Government will also be present at the demonstration.