Report that the women of the Alsasua football team have tried to record in the changing rooms
  • The sports club Altsasu / Alsasua has denounced that last Friday, February 2, at the end of the training “one or more people” tried to make photos or videos at the end of a training from the costume window. The complaint has been made available to the Foral Police.
Ainara Rodil Jaime 2024ko otsailaren 06a
Taldeak babesa berretsi nahi izan dio emakume talde osoari / Argazkia: Altsasu Kirol Elkartea

The Altsasu Sports Club has denounced the aggression suffered by women from the community team. The note that they upload to social networks says that, although they went so far, the aggressors fled.

The sports team has asked for help to ensure that anyone who is in the area at the time is in touch with any detail. “We believe these facts are very serious and unacceptable and we want to reaffirm our strongest rejection and our support for our entire group of women in the face of these important events,” the group said. "We hope that the necessary measures will be taken by us and by the competent authorities to ensure that this does not happen again."

The Laudio Feminist Movement calls for a rally to denounce the chauvinist assault of sports sports

On Tuesday, February 6, at 7:00 p.m., a rally is called in Plaza Alberto Acero to condemn the machista attack on the sports club.

On day 3, a machista attack was reported in the sports club of Llodio. The Llodio Handball Club stated that a judge and coach of the team touched the back of a minor in the club. The aggressor was immediately fired from the club and his charges were removed. Through social networks they expressed the denunciation and the decision made.