For fair eco-social alternatives, without VAT
Sustrai Erakuntza Fundazioa 2024ko maiatzaren 06a

Next Saturday, May 11, AHT Gelditu! Navarra organizes in Pamplona the Day against the TAV. In addition, Eco-Socialist Spaces, the World March of Women and the Charter of Social Rights have called a demonstration under the motto For a Dignified Life, A Just Eco-Social Alternative. In recent months, both in Navarra and in the rest of the Basque Country, social mobilizations are growing in the face of the socio-ecological attacks of large corporations, which have legal, political and institutional support.

Bizirik's fight against the magnesite mine; meetings and platforms against corporate renewable projects in Bortziriak, Malerreka, Basaburua, Andia, Odieta... mobilizations against the high-voltage lines; mobilizations against the high-voltage lines in the parliaments that denounce the laws of climate change that are born dead by negligence; the mobilizations for the defense of the land

All these popular actions and dynamics are a symptom of the discontent and concern generated by the European Union and its Green Pact, the policies implemented and shared by the states and the autonomous governments and parliaments. These policies have common elements. In the name of the fight against global warming brought about by its capitalist model, we are being forced to have renewable macro-projects and their evacuation and transport infrastructures, in the hands of large multinationals. At the same time, there is no indication of such urgent effective decarbonisation measures. Collective participation in planning the needs and uses of territory and resources is prevented. Decisions on the productive and industrial model are left to capital and are always decided on the basis of capital returns. In addition, if necessary, staff are sacrificed, even if they work in "green activities". We are committed to an industrial agricultural model, condemning small farms to die under the dictatorship of the market.

Above all, sustainable social mobilization is essential, in a global way and in the face of every attack of capital projects. We need an eco-social transition understood as a break from the current situation. If not, it will only repeat and deepen the global socio-ecological crisis. In this regard, in recent months we have been facing a real attack in favour of the TAV by lobbyists, both political and business, and the Etxabakoitz GPS is another piece of that network. As with corporate macro-projects, the TAV collects the worst of this system: corruption, speculation, elitism, taxation, environmental destruction, territory breakdown, abandonment of the conventional train and deterioration of its services. For this reason, from the Foundation Subai Erakuntza we call to participate actively in the Day Against the TAV, to support the collection of signatures against the PIN of Etxabakoitz and to participate in the block against the TAV in the demonstration that will start at 12:00 from Plaza del Castillo.

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