A democratic alternative, a democratic process… and a journey to nothing
Jon Iurrebaso Atutxa 2021eko urriaren 28a

The lobby of the 2009 public coup of the ENAM had the complicity of an international diplomacy at the service of capital, before and after the maneuver. The maximum public staging of this use took place at the Aiete Palace on 17 October 2011 and three days after ETA definitively abandoned the armed activity.

During these days, the lobby that allowed the end of the ENAM has celebrated the 10th anniversary of Aiete’s staging. We are talking about the same lobby that forced ETA and ENAM to surrender their weapons and made them desist from their national and social liberation line.

Thus, in a few years, under democracy/dictatorship of capital, the democratic alternative was argued (which can only be done in a democratic situation). Subsequently, a democratic process was sought in which Euskal Herria was the owner of his future in the same capital dictatorship. Thus, given the lack of will of the French, Spanish and Basque bourgeoisie, “it came up” with the great idea of giving in and collaborating on its own to the lobby mentioned. At least some of us don't know from the moment that that happened.

"Perhaps the entire Official Abertzale Left cannot be required to have a level of class and nation without concession; a revolutionary praxis"

In other words, despite being very conditioned by the inter-class philosophy, by the wear and tear of so many years of war, by the contradictions that all this entails, by the pressure of the social democracy and the small bourgeoisie, by the pressure of the national enemy and the class, etc., the main flags of struggle of the last 60 years cannot be left.

That is, perhaps the entire Official Abertzale Left cannot be required to have a level of class and nation without concessions; a revolutionary praxis, according to the objective and subjective conditions of the moment, to the advances and setbacks of oneself and the enemy, to the international situation, etc. However, if the line does not completely change, we are convinced that it will not be the last time they have unilaterally surrendered under the rules of the national enemy and the class.

The lobby that is godfather and godmother of sortu (and as time passes, and to its extent, also those who let them do or help them consciously) is up to eyebrows from long before 2009 to the present day. The relations with imperialism (no one knows how far), the tribute to the repressive bodies of the Spanish State, the collaboration with the PSOE-GAL, … We would need hours to explain in detail their collaborative activity, both nationally and socially.

Thus, its main practical axis of political influence is the validation of the instruments necessary to capital for its survival and dominion. At the same time, the scarce presence and absence of references in the popular and social movement and the lack of a solid position and class practice in the workers’ movement are replaced by diffuse and interclavian performances and periodic discourses, as has been the role of representing social democracy throughout history.

In their praxis, nothing escapes what they consider profitable, possible or valid. For social democracy and the bourgeoisie the Basque Socialist State is not possible, it is not valuable and much less profitable. For them, individuality, personal well-being and the happy world are present in the current conditions of occupation and exploitation.

For the construction of a Basque Socialist State.