Creative activity and political commitment form in Alfonso Sastre a dialectic pair that defines his long and fruitful life. From this perspective we can say that the true subject gets cold and fractures himself with respect to the Lacanian logic.
The life of our playwright has put him at the center between the Sophocles Antigona and the Squilo Orestiada. The life of Alfonso against the Superego (Creonte, the despotism of power and the archetype of unjust), which takes place in the Spanish state, oppressor of Euskal Herria, is crossed by Anguish (Antigona prefers death to submit to the law of the tyrant). Anguish, precisely, responds to the justified fear of reprisals by the Spanish State. However, our dramaturgy has not surrendered and, as Orestes did, he has dressed Kemen: Commitment to the struggle for the liberation of the Basque Country.
The search for justice (as in the case of Atenea) has gone through its entire life: The independence of the Basque Country and socialism.
Greetings and honours, Alfonso.