A person sleeping on Alegia Street is attacked with petrol
  • On 11 April, early in the morning, this person has been soaked with petrol. The City of Alegia states: "We all have the right to live on the street," he added. Both the town hall and the local gaztetxe have strongly denounced the aggression. The Gaztetxe has linked the aggression to the health crisis, explained that people living on the street have had to suffer more ups and downs and sees "risk of them being similar again".
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 11

On 11 April, at 7:00 in the morning, the person sleeping on the porch of the City Hall of Alegia has been attacked. In a statement published on his website, the Consistory explained that "he has been charged with petrol during sleep and also in his surroundings. The Ertzaintza has reported that someone has called 112 and in response to the call, at 7:30 hours a patrol and a medicalized ambulance have come." The City Council note that the aggression has caused a slight outrage in the eyes of the person sleeping on the street.

Waiver of aid and offer of transfers

The person who sleeps in the street has accepted the personal hygiene products, but has rejected the help that has been offered "by virtue of their rights" and the transfer.

The City Council noted in its statement the following message: "We all have the right to live on the street because it is a universal right and not a universal right. No one can be driven against his will. The person who sleeps in the arches of the City Hall and has suffered the aggression also has these rights. The City of Alegia strongly denounces the aggression and calls for respect for human rights".

The Gaztetxe de Alegia warns of the risk of more such attacks during the health crisis

The message disseminated by Alegia’s gaztetxe on social media highlighted the following: "that the aggression has taken place in the context of the health crisis and that the aggressor has taken advantage of the country's limited mobility and the legitimacy it entails to carry it out anonymously". In this sense, they have pointed out that during the health crisis people living in the street have had to suffer more incidents and see "risk of being similar again". The members of the Gaztetxe have stated that they "strongly" denounce this sexual assault suffered by young people in the Gaztetxe.