Eleven years later they will stop publishing the architecture magazine 'Envirías'
  • After eleven years in which they will stop publishing the magazine Tiguías, which raises broad debates and reflections around the architecture and its closest environment. Created by Unai Fernández de Betoño and Ibai Gandiaga, in issue 44 a goodbye greeting has been written.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko ekainaren 03a
'Aldiri' aldizkariaren 42. zenbakia. Aldizkariaren azalak eta ilustrazioak izan dira bere nortasun zeinuetako bat.

In July 2009, Proxies realized that architecture is a discipline that "transforms society" and wants to create it in Euskera. To the publication of the journal Arkitektura eta Abar, the architects Ibai Gaindiaga and Unai Fernández de Betoño. As they said at the beginning, "they wanted to fill the void that until now had to be written by the magazine we would like to read".

After eleven years and 44 numbers, he dismisses the Real Sociedad. In the letter, addressed to the reader, they have explained that they have tried to offer quality content both on the network and on paper and to launch different themes. In addition, these articles have been "commented on" and criticized through the blog. In this sense, they have had the collaboration of the UEU, "without its support it would not have been published to Cerca".

Directed by Fernández de Betoño and Ibai Gandiaga and with Agurtzane Elguren and Ula Iruretagoiena in the Editorial Board, the journal has evolved over these ten years, as can be seen in the Paperekoak section of the web. But as you have explained, society itself has also evolved: "The media published on paper has been reduced as publications on the Internet have prevailed."

However, two last issues will still be published in 2021, instead of the four usual ones – it was a quarter. The issue 45 will include the contributions of the authors who have closely followed the journal's journey, and the last issue will recognize the pages "which have endowed with personality": "It will therefore be a special year," he added.