“El Casco Viejo is not for sale,” a cry against gentrification from the heart of Pamplona
  • Dozens of residents have called for the paralysis of the gentrification process that is developing in the Casco Viejo during the last years in the event held in the Plaza de los Burgos de Pamplona, under the motto El Casco Viejo is not for sale. @ahotsainfo 2023ko martxoaren 20a

For two weeks the posters “Sells/Merchandise” have been disseminated in the balconies and windows of the Casco Viejo by sponsoring this campaign. The Community Network AZ has expressed its rejection of the commercialization of the Casco Viejo complex and its public spaces, denounces the commercialization of the neighborhood and the deterioration of the living conditions of the neighbors.