Important changes to the updated map of the invasion of Ukraine
  • Following the day of negotiations in Istanbul in which Russia announced the withdrawal of troops from the northern front, the map of the Ukrainian invasion has completely changed.
Iñaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2022ko apirilaren 06a
Mapa: War Mapper.

After the first days of the invasion of Ukraine, there were no major changes in the territories under Russian control. So for the first few weeks, the map of the invasion looked similar until last week. The negotiations in Istanbul between Russia and Ukraine, in which Russia announced that troops would be withdrawn from the North Front, have changed the map.

Thus, the conflict points of the invasion of Ukraine have been reduced to the south and east, despite the fact that the Russian Army continues to attack intermittently strategic objectives in central Ukraine.

Mariupol remains the place where the fighting is hardest: the town centre and the port are still in the hands of Ukrainian forces, but the Russian Army and the militias of the Donetsk People’s Republic have taken control of several districts.

Then, the versions of the maps made by different means and accounts: