Latest provocation by Albert Rivera: The event will be held in Alsasua on 4 November
  • The Citizen Spain Citizen platform, powered by Citizens, has announced that the next event will take place in Alsasua on Sunday, 4 November. "We are holding events all over Spain. We started in Madrid, Málaga, Mallorca, Barcelona, Seville... and the next is an important and special site, it will be in Navarra, in Altsasu", said Rivera.
Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena @larbelaitz 2018ko urriaren 18a
Albert Riverak iragarri du hurrengo ekitaldia Altsasun egingo dutela.

"Our next act will be in Alsasua. We have to defend freedom and equality across the country. We will also defend the dignity of Navarre: We want the constitutional provision allowing the annexation of Navarre and the CAV to be removed."

According to Rivera, Alsasua has become a "symbol" of the unity of Spain and of those who defend "equality between Spaniards". He said, however, that it is "a difficult place" and that those who think that is what they have to do must be protected.

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47 votes in the elections to the Parliament of Navarra

The neoliberal unionist party obtained 47 votes in the elections to the Parliament of Navarra, while Geroa Bai obtained 1,130, EH Bildu 825, Podemos 582, PSN 465, UPN 434 and pp 160.