The lockdown will continue until 26 April in Hegoalde, but more alarm situations
  • The president of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, communicated his decision this Saturday to the other political leaders, after doing so in the committee that manages the coronavirus crisis. The lockdown will continue for another 15 days, but the state of alarm will increase, "yes, changing the current conditions," he announced.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 04a
Pedro Sanchez, Espainiako Gobernuko lehendakaria. Argazkia: Moncloa. Pedro Sanchez, Espainiako Gobernuko lehendakaria. Argazkia: Moncloa.

In any case, for Sanchez to formally confirm his decision, he must first appear on Tuesday before the Council of Ministers, which will request his authorization from the Congress of Spain. The plenary session of Congress is expected to take place next Thursday and the Lower House will authorise it, as it has done so far in petitions. Sánchez has also announced that the drastic reduction in current economic activity will continue until 9 April and that, if circumstances allow, economic activity will return to the situation before 30 March.

According to sources reported by the Spanish Government, it would gradually return to normal when the situation of coronation of the contagion began to decline. Last Thursday, the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, stated that the situation of budgetary stability has already begun, although the number of deaths remains very high. In his view, this will look good next week, as it will then better reflect the most intensive confinement ondorioak.Illak that started on 30 March, the Government is already considering the possibility of speeding up a number of measures, including the possibility of going out on the streets with children for a certain period of time or of doing sport individually outside the home.

At the Saturday afternoon hearing, Pedro Sánchez announced that the commission that encompasses several disciplines is preparing a plan for economic and social liberalization, which will be completed with measures against the disease. In this sense, it has announced hygiene measures, diagnosis of the disease and its monitoring.

Sánchez has assured that the Spanish Government is working on the elaboration of a new Moncloa Treaty, and to this end it will talk to the parties and social partners. With regard to Europe, it has announced that it will again call on Eurobonds at the next meeting of Member States’ authorities because European solidarity should make this possible.