Widows will have to be re-registered as a de facto partner to collect the pension in Hego Euskal Herria
  • The Supreme Court has rectified the doctrine of the High Court of Justice of the State that in order to access widows’ pensions it is not necessary to be a de facto partner. From now on, the widower must certify that he is registered as a de facto partner in the municipal or regional register.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko apirilaren 25
(argaZKIA: EITB)

People who had been widowed since April 2021 should not present registration documents to demonstrate their status as a de facto partner if they wanted to have access to the pension, enough to do so any other document that demonstrates the coexistence between them, such as the register. This doctrine was resolved by the Supreme Court, but it has now been corrected by the Supreme itself, and will be required to be re-registered as a de facto partner to the widow.

A ruling issued on March 24 considered it "appropriate to clarify" this doctrine and opted for the pre-existing doctrine, which "to prove the existence of a de facto couple, whether registered in a city hall or in an autonomous community". This document must also be two years before death.

The decision comes after an appeal brought by a woman, according to Europa Press, who denied that the Madrid High Court of Justice received a widower’s pension for not having such a registration document. The Supreme Court has therefore given its support to the Madrid Criminal Court.

According to the newspaper El quoting sources from the Spanish Government, there may be more legislative changes to eliminate the differences in rights between married and de facto couples, which better specify the definition of the de facto partner and avoid such issues.