Alaia Martin has imposed himself in Amurrio and for the time being Aitor Bizkarra has set the entry barrier to the end
  • 1,250 bertsolarism fans met on November 19 at the sports club Bañueta Amurrio. The second round of semifinals started: Alaia Martín got the highest score and is already in the final. Aitor Bizkarra took a step forward among the Bertsolaris competing for the final; Oihana Iguaran will have to wait for it to happen in the next two sessions and Agin Laburu has finished the tournament with Onintza Enbeitia and Miren Artetxe.
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Argazkia: Gari Garaialde / XDZ.

In the first round of the semifinals, Alaia Martin scored 676 points. Second, Aitor Bizkarra scored 651.5 points; Oihana Iguaran scored 632.5 points; Onintza Enbeitia 632.5; Agin Laburu 624; and Miren Artetxe 595.5.

On the portal you can hear all the verses of the Amurrio program. The most punctured version was the camera version by Alaia Martín.

Here you can read Eli Pagola's interview with Agin Laburu.

Over 1,330 points the end barrier?

There are 18 bertsolaris sorted for the second round of semifinals. Each of these bertsolaris will perform a new session (Amurrio’s first) and the score it receives in this program will be added to that obtained in the first phase of the semifinals, from which the seven finalists will be selected. The works to be performed by the bertsolaris have varied since the first round of semifinals and sing a verse less, so the score of the second round is lower.

At the Amurrio session, Aitor Bizkarra has set the place where the langa will be for the final. In fact, in the first phase of the semi-finals, the above 700 points were five bertsolaris (Alaia Martin, Aitor Mendiluze, Beñat, Gaztelumendi, Joanes Illarregi and Subai Colina), and for the other two cards of the final there are six bertsolaris in competition: Oihana Iguaran, Amets Arzallus and Julio Soto, with 686 points, and Agin Laburu, Aitor Bizkarra and Nerea Ibarzabal with 673 points. Three of this sextet have sung in the program of Amurrio and Aitor Bizkarra has jumped in the table of scores: In Amurrio gets 651.5 points and adding the 677.5 points of the first round gets 1,329 points. Therefore, people interested in getting the card from the end have a barrier of 1,330 points.

At the moment in the classification table and after performing the two sessions, Alaia Martín is the first with a total of 1,405.5 points: She scored 676 points in Amurrio and 729.5 points on the first lap (bertsolari with highest score on the first lap).

Here you can see the full classification table.

The following two semi-finals in Baiona and Bilbao

The next semi-final will be held on 26 November in Baiona and the last on 3 December in Bilbao. Tickets are available on the portal