Alaia Martin Etxebeste wins Zarautz semifinal
  • MARTIN has achieved a direct pass to the final, coinciding with the victory in the semi-final of the Cup. The final semi-final will be held next Sunday in Arrasate, and it will then be when the grand final of the Cup is completed. @bertsozale 2024ko azaroaren 25

The second semi-final of the Bertsolaris Championship in Gipuzkoa was played at a full Aritzbatalde Zarautz Sports Club: The organizers have brought together 1,400 fans of the Bertsos, and they have exhausted the tickets for the grand final. These are the six bertsolaris that have sung:

Once the qualifying works have been completed, Alaia Martin Etxebeste has obtained the highest score, 544.5 points, and has been classified directly to the final. This is how the BBVA League qualifies:



As a moderator, Ion Zaldua Brit.Por acted the following judges: Bakarne Urreaga Etxeberria, Eneritz Azkue Basurko, Karlos Ibarguren Olalde, Leire Beloki Lizarralde and Miayestkel Lersundi Ibarguren Olalde will take part. As secretary Aratz Irazustabarrena Garmendia.

The next appointment will be on Sunday, December 1, in Arrasate. At the end of the program, we will get to know the list of the eight bertsolaris that will be in the grand finals of the Bertsolaris championship. Tickets for Arrasate, as usual, are found on the web and if not used up earlier, at the box office of the Uarkape fronton, the same day.