Best Actress Award for Patricia López Arnaiz
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2024ko irailaren 28a

The Gasteiztarra Patricia López de Arnaiz has been made with the Goya the best lead actor at the 72 San Sebastian Festival. In the Zinemaldia, for his work in the film 'The Flashes', directed by Pilar Palomero.

The film is based on the first narrative of Eider Rodríguez's book 'Bihotz handiegia', and is based on real facts. Specifically, the story of Isabel, Ramón y Magdalena is told. They've been divorced for a long time, they've lost the relationship altogether, but now Ramón is very sick, he's in the last. And all alone.

At the request of her daughter Madalen, Isabel approaches Ramon and asks him to help her.

Winners Official Section:

  • Golden Shell for the best movie: Loneliness Evenings (Albert Serra)


  • Silver Shell to the Best Director: Laura Carreira (On Falling) and Pedro Martin (El Llanto)


  • Award for the best script: François Ozon, Philippe Piazzo (Quand vient l'automne)


  • Silver Shell to the Best Main Interpretation: Patricia López Arnaiz (The Flash)


  • Silver Shell to the Best Collective Interpretation: Pierre Lottin (Quand vient l'automne)


  • Best photo: Piao Songri (Bound in Heaven)


  • Special Jury Prize: Gia Coppola (The Last Showgirl)


Other significant prizes:

  • New Directors Prize: Piet Baumgartner (Bagger Drama)
  • Special mention: Anton Alvarez (The flamenco guitar by Yerai Cortés)


  • Latin Horizons Prize: The Jockey


  • Zabaltegi-Tabakalera prize: Aprili


  • Special mention of the Zabaltegi-Tabakalera Prize: Collective monologue


  • Nest Prize: The reign of Antonio


  • Culinary Prize: Mugaritz. No bread or dessert.


  • Eusko Label First Prize: The Guardians


  • Eusko Label Award: KM.0


  • Irizar Prize for Basque Cinema: Chaplin / Gypsy Spirit
  • Special mention: Reply


  • San Sebastian Public Prize: In fanfare (see Eneko Atxa Landa review here)


  • City of San Sebastian Public Prize for the best European film: Daney Anjir


  • DAMA Youth Prize: Turn me on