After the deal, H&M workers end the strike
  • The workers in the shops of the Swedish multinational in Hego Euskal Herria began the strike last April and after weeks of struggle they reached an agreement: H&M will not dismiss any worker or make "substantial changes" in working conditions.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko ekainaren 16a
H&Mko langileak ekintza bat egiten Bilbon, multinazionalaren denda izandakoaren ateetan (Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea)

The workers of H&M in Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Álava and Navarra started an indefinite strike on 22 April and after almost two months of fighting the workers will return to their jobs. The change is due to the fact that the company has reached an agreement, as the Swedish multinational has agreed not to dismiss workers in Hegoalde. In addition, the ELA trade union has stressed that they have managed to "not implement substantial changes in working conditions", although "at the state level companies have already agreed with CCOO and UGT".

ELA pointed out that the CCOO and UGT unions have not given their "support" for the strike in the Basque Country. The two unions with H&M agreed at the state level are not in addition to the negotiations conducted by the strikers of Hego Euskal Herria, who have approved several redundancies at the state level.

In addition to congratulating the workers, ELA has warned of the importance of fighting in the sector. In fact, he explained that the strategy of big textile companies is to encourage online sales to maximise profits, leaving workers aside. "This business policy is destroying many jobs. According to data provided by the company, H&Mk billed in 2019 a total of 21,988 million euros, which was a profit of 1,270 million euros, 6.3% more than the previous year. The ERE signed at state level provided for the abolition of 920 jobs and the closure of 26 shops," he explained.