Agreement and end of strike in Huerta de Peralta
  • The strike of the workers of Huerta de Peralta, which lasted almost a month, ended this Tuesday morning. "The agreement gathers the main demands of the workers," said LAB, which maintains the demonstration against the precariousness called for Saturday in Pamplona/Iruña.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko urtarrilaren 22a
Huerta de Peraltako langileek protesta jendetsuak bildu dituzte. (Argazkia: Ekinklik)

Below you can read the full LAB note:

On the occasion of the 28th day of indefinite strike in Huerta de Peralta, the strike assembly today gave its approval to the agreement reached between the LAB trade union and the leadership, which puts an end to the conflict and opens a new stage. Although the indefinite strike and other forms of pressure towards the company are paralyzed, LAB maintains the mobilization that will take place on January 26 in Pamplona, as the fight against precariousness continues, both in the rural and urban areas.

Although the indefinite strike and other forms of pressure towards the company are paralyzed, LAB maintains the mobilization that will take place on January 26 in Pamplona, as the fight against precariousness continues, both in the rural and urban areas.

The agreement contains the main demands of the workers: the suspension of sanctions and the readmission of dismissed persons; the payment of debt arising from non-compliance with the agreement; and the opening of negotiations for an Enterprise Pact.

• With regard to the redundancies, LAB called for the readmission of workers who wanted to return to the company, with particular attention to the four workers dismissed for union persecution. Well, the solution agreed with these workers and approved by the management is that of the readmission of two workers, that of the compensation of the third and that of the fourth case will be pending the decision of the court.

• Regarding the debt of 440,000 euros generated by the company for breach of convention, the management has approved paying 70% of the debt. As you will recall, LAB already proposed on 2 January to pay this percentage and agree a 30% cut to facilitate a global agreement.

• Finally, with regard to the third claim, both parties agree to open negotiations between the Works Committee and the Directorate for an Enterprise Pact according to the needs and realities of Huerta de Peralta and its workers.

The agreement has been made possible by the determination of the workers, but also by the network to support the strike - mainly of women - and by the solidarity of the working people, collectives and people, who have supported, mobilised and contributed to the Solidarity Fund. Thank you, all of them.

The LAB trade union makes a very positive assessment of the agreement. First, because it collects the main demands that motivated the strike and consolidates the change in the Huerta de Peralta: two years ago, this company had not set up a Works Council, 152 out of 204 workers had a temporary contract, worked 13 hours and were not paid holidays, seniority or night work. Now, on the other hand, it has a strong Company Committee, workers have been empowered, the country’s agreement is being complied with and a Company Pact is being negotiated.

Secondly, this agreement is of supranational importance. In fact, the conflict in Huerta de Peralta has shown the precariousness of the rural environment of Navarre. To overcome this, collaboration between farmers, society and the institutions of Navarre is necessary. Let us all make a commitment to the development of the rural environment of Navarre, which will make it an example, both in the quality of the product and in respect of labour rights.

Thirdly, Huerta de Peralta has demonstrated the importance of organizing and fighting trade unions to deal with the precariousness that is spreading in both rural and urban areas. The collective union action of migrant workers exploited by helplessness, together with the enormous solidarity shown by the working class, has succeeded in taking an important step in the fight against precariousness. What is now up to us is to continue to organize the workers who suffer from precariousness, organizing struggles against precariousness that protect the entire working class.

In this sense, LAB maintains the mobilization called for this Saturday in Pamplona/Iruña, which will start at 17:00 hours from the Plaza del Castillo. With this mobilization, in addition to supporting the workers who have been on strike for almost a month and thanking them for the solidarity they have received, we will reclaim the value of the organisation and the trade union struggle. As in Huerta de Peralta, in many conflicts opened by Euskal Herria, the path is the struggle!

In the face of precariousness, both in rural and urban areas, trade union struggle!

Fighting is the only way!