The Federation responded this Thursday in a joint communiqué to media questions. Aizkolari has "regretted" that a San Miguel League championship has been organized: "The criterion of the aizkolaris who have made this decision is exclusively economic, and the federation cannot do that, and not only has it taken into account, because our discipline and our history would end that. Together and accompanied by those who generate the most or those who have the least influence, we can have intergenerational and interdisciplinary solidarity".
In the words of the Federation, gathered by the journalist of Berria Ainara Arratibel, the aizkolaris will only be able to perform unofficial acts and as professionals must meet all the requirements of sports shows: civil liability, fiscal... In addition, as the federation has an obligation to organise a championship for all federations, it will organise the Aizkolaris Championship: "He who wins will be the champion of the Basque Country, and that will be the only official title. Professionals will not be able to use the official word, nor the names and symbols of the Basque Country that the Basque Law of Sport reserves for the Basque federations".