The MEP Aitor Urrutia should be trained in free software.
  • The presence of the Librezale group in education took place last week in the Basque Parliament, and after the intervention of the members of that group, it was up to the members of the committee. Aitor Urrutia, from the PNV group, showed that he doesn't understand much about free software. Urrutia thinks all free software is free. In another of the 2021 appearances, he said that it was unsafe software. It is time for someone to learn a little, for a training session, a seminar, to be handed over to Parliament’s Urrutia.
Sustatu 2022ko maiatzaren 30

For example, this day of Digital Enterprise would not be bad for the representative of the Basque Parliament to know how free software is used in the Basque industry. To listen to Urrutia, digital education expert Jokin Lacalle received on Twitter.

Urrutia mixes in English the terms free-free and free-free, on the one hand, and on the other, some components of free software can be free, and yet those who work in their development and installation charge their fees and gain life (the association of Free Software Companies of the Basque Country is there, are commercial companies). The license is the one that doesn't charge free software, a one-time fee, and free software also secures customer ownership; which doesn't happen with some proprietary software tools, like John Deere tractors, because you think the software you've purchased from the tractor is yours, like the tractor wheels, but no, John Deere believes it's theirs and that the tractor itself must control the software through that software.

Well, just two examples that you can understand if you learn.

Among Urrutia’s reactions, the response of one of the translators of the software mentioned (Wordpress: didn’t know it was free software, and then sell absurd effects, plugins and services of Wordpress, how it could be free), programmer Mikel Larreategi: "...I repeat then: I recommend that you speak with free software, with small and medium-sized companies that make free software and work in the Basque Country. You would really know what the point is. Surely you also use free software every day and you haven't heard of it."