They ask that paternity leave not limit man to the role of assistant in the Spanish state
  • As of January 1, the law will enter into force in the Spanish State, extending to 16 weeks the permission of the other parent other than the mother, although many organizations denounce that their father is recognized as the sole companion.
Jone Markuleta @JMarkuleta 2020ko abenduaren 15
PPiiNA plataformako kideak, 85 erakundek sinatutako egitasmoarekin. Argazkia: PPiiNA

A total of 85 entities have signed the request of the Platform for Equal and Non-transferable Birth and Adoption Permits (PPiiNA) to the Government of Spain. The project was officially registered and, in the absence of a response, "we have made the last call", according to sources from the organization reported to Europe Press.

As of 1 January 2021, the permission of the second parent will be equated to the 16 weeks of the mother's permission, equal, inalienable and 100% paid, as proposed by this plataforma.Sin embargo, they believe that this possibility can be lost because they see two "serious traps" to the law: on the one hand, that the first six weeks be necessarily simultaneous between both parents and, on the other hand, that they lose the right to the day.

According to the platform, these two characteristics can cause men to act as second caregivers and limit themselves to the tasks they had been developing, leaving the role of primary caregiver in the hands of women. In addition, the platform believes that doing these first six weeks simultaneously "takes time" to care for children.

Among the signatory organizations are feminist associations at the state level, such as the 7N Platform against Male Violence, the Feminist Policy Forum or the Coordinator of Women’s Organizations for Participation and Equality.