Aita Mari gets permission to go to the sea, but is prevented from rescuing from Madrid
  • Anyone who is a tuna will travel to the Mediterranean Sea in order to help and help refugees in Greece.
Igor Galarza Intxausti @IgorGalarza 2019ko urriaren 10
Aita Mari itsasontzia. Irudia: SMH

As reported by the NGO SMH (Humanitarian Maritime Aid), the vessel will leave the port of Pasaia on 16 October. A shipment of seven tons will be transported by a fortnight of people who will come to Aita Mari's appointment. Most vehicles will be in winter clothes, coats and shoes, which will cover the climate that refugees will suffer in the coming months. Tents adapted to the winter months shall also be maintained.

The SMH has denounced that the permission of the Spanish State Government "has long been extended" in the EU. Since 12 September, they had been waiting for permission to sail Father Mari. SMH President Iñigo Mijangos said the permit was “rigid” and added that “it is not Father Mari’s first ban on rescue work.” Yes, he explained that the ship is "authorized to carry out unexpected rescues" and has no "problems".

The boat will have to travel without stopping to Sicily (Italy), from where it will be able to travel once to Greece, to its base, located on the island of Quios. Currently, in the Aegean islands there are 31,400 people in refugee concentration camps, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported in her first week of October.